Director's Award Nomination Form


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Submissions for this form are closed.

The Tennessee Highway Safety Office Director’s Awards were created to recognize outstanding efforts by partners of the THSO in a wide variety of disciplines.  All of our partners are extremely important to us, and the ones that we choose to honor each year exemplify exceptional performances of passion and dedication to saving lives.  These efforts have given us reason to recognize their “best practices”—practices that have led to a reduction in crashes and/or lifesaving methods, helping the State of Tennessee achieve continued success.

Whether it is in the area of education, law enforcement, engineering, media, or emergency response, these honorees exhibit exemplary work and innovative spirit that inspire all of us on a daily basis.

*Please note that all sections of the form must be completed in order for the nominee to be brought under consideration.


** The deadline for all nomination submissions for the Director's Award is Friday, July 29th at 11:59 p.m.**